Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cabo Polonia, Uruguay

From Montevideo Katie and I were bound for the eastern beaches of Uruguay. We decided to skip past the glamorous Punto Este and head for the calmer beach town of La Paloma. It wasn’t that great to either one of us, but I didn’t see that much of it. The next day I decided to take a day trip to the isolated beaches at Cabo Polonia. Originally Cabo Polonia was just a fishing village, but it has now been turned into a protected national park. The 400 pre-existing cabins are rustic with no electricity. All other building has been prohibited to keep it as undeveloped as possible. To get there from the highway there are a number of 4-wheel drive vehicles that carry day-trippers and residents the 5 miles over the dunes to the town at the end of the point. The town is pretty sparse, but the beaches are beautiful. Besides that there is also a working light house that can be climbed during the day and a colony of sea lions hanging out on the rocks right below it.

Lighthouse glass

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow ! I've been away awhile and when I come back here just awesome . Love those seals ! ds13 is lovin it too :-) Thanks again